[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/swimmingideas/SIP_007.mp3″ title=”Swimming Ideas Podcast 007: Teaching Platforms for Pools” artist=”JSWIM” ]
We got a response on our new user survey that gets sent out with all new members of our swimming ideas mailing list. Want 3 free downloads? Go to Swimminglessonsideas.com and download the 3 free lesson plans.
This user wanted to talk about how Platforms can be scary for new swimmers and may not always be the best choice for lessons. We go in depth into why they are excellent tools, and how you can make your platforms safe and effective in your lesson.
Build your own, or Buy Pre-Made?
- Let participants stand in water they can touch. Usually up to chest or shoulders, sometimes belly
- Gives a home base
- Let’s participants have their own “Class” area
- Can use two and have participants go back and forth between with a safe shallower area, with deeper in between.
- Excellent Teaching aide tool
- Wobbly – move around and are scary
- Might tip over
- Participants can fall off
- They can be crowded if they’re too small
Links to Buy your own:
Swim Teaching Platform 1.2m x 1.1m
Charlotte Pipe Pvc Sch 40 Solid Pipe 2 ” X 2 ‘
What we used:
About $200 each: made 4.
Clear plastic flooring; heavy and sturdy, yet clear: used 6 long by 4 feet wide. Got 3/4 inch thick plastic for sturdy weight and cheaper cost. The thicker the plastic piece you get, the more expensive.
PVC pipe and apoxy to glue it together.
Drilled holes in pipe to help with flooding (to add weight) and for extraction (water can escape)
Added runners on bottom so dragging and pulling on deck doesn’t destroy the pipe and make sharp edges.
Quite heavy with all plastic and piping. About 20 lbs each platform.
3 sides instead of middle guard rails.
If you want to know HOW to use these platforms in your swim lessons check out this post:
Look here to supplament your swimming lessons program with games and toys: