White & Blue 8/26/2020


1 x 100 IM K
1 x 200 FREE
1 x 100 BK K
1 x 200 FREE
1 x 50 Postion 11: Tell coach jeff all 3 things to SL and 11 before you go.

Question of the Day:
What does aerobic conditioning mean?

Correct: Do your favorite challenge 2 x
Wrong: Run in place without touching the ground for :30

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8 x 50 on 1:15: FREE
1 x 100 on 2:00 BK K (FOR TIME)
3 x SL + 2 FLY (do this with excellent form)

Float like a star on your back for :30 without kicking or moving hands.
Use your breath and body position to stay floating.

6 x 50 on 1:15: FREE
1 x 100 on 2:00 BK K (FOR TIME)
3 x SL + 3 FLY with breath on #2.

Swim FLY backwards (feet first, arms in wrong direction) from wall to the flags.

On your belly.
Do a SL with your hands pushing off the wall.
Minimum of 3 strokes.

4 x 50 on 1:15: FREE
1 x 100 on 2:00 BK K (FOR TIME)
3 x SL + 2 BR: get to 1/2 way with your long U.B.P and long glides.

Handstand Rewind, but on your BACK.
Hands on the T mark, and rewind to put your feet on the wall.

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