Minnows 10/14/2021

1 x 100 IM KICK
1 x 50: HLBw/R w/ FINS on BK
1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS
review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going.

Question of the Day:
What swim skill is the BEST for a lazy swimmer?
Correct: Do 2 x SL with no kick
Wrong: Do a 50 FREE w/ FINS w/ 2 SL.

2 x {
10 x SL + 3 FREE + Flip (no breath)

6 x 50 on 2:00: BK / FREE x 25 w/ FINS
Backstroke down, Freestyle Back, or a 25 of each.

1 x 200 FREE or BK kick

1 x Challenge

In a back float, start with two feet flat against the wall, on the surface. Do 3 double arm BK strokes NO KICK, and turn it into a Back flip (in a ball) at the flags.

Wiggle like a worm on back, on side, on stomach, on side, and back again without moving anywhere (stay within the wall and the T mark.

Challenge = Water Hits

Throw a water bomb at a friend underwater.
Make an open palm hand, and push the water quickly towards someone.

Do not hit them!

Do it until the person feels the “push” of the water against their belly, against their back, and against their arm.

Challenge #1:

Challenge #2:

Challenge #3:

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