Keep the swimmers moving.
Rotate, like circle swimming, but shorter distances.
Automate your swim lessons.
The best short video on circle swimming:
Our goal is to keep our swimmers moving the entire time they’re in a lesson. We can’t force them to be moving non-stop, but we should leverage a framework that enables swimmers to follow a set pattern regardless of the activity we’re doing.
Whehter it is the true beginner doing front glides from one bench to another:
Or if we’re doing more advanced stuff like a streamlnie with three freestyle strokes:
We all follow the same rules:
For benches to benches:
The purple dot, below, is the instructor.
The green line is the swimmer doing their streamline.
The pink line is the swimmer doing 3 free strokes.
The orange curving arrow is the swimmer moving over to return in the same lane.
The yellow arrow is the swimmer returning.
From left to right:
Enforce circle swimming, or the rotation method ALL THE TIME!
Whenever you can, you should be utilizing the rotation method in all of your lessons. From level 1 to level 4. All levels should structure their activities around the rotation method.
Tell the swimmers what they’re doing, demonstrate it, demonstrate the flow, and leverage the rotation method framework.
Each 1x (time) is from one bench to the other, or from the wall to the instructor and back.
Use the rotation method.