100 IM Kick
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: What is the fastest stroke in swimming? What is the slowest? Fast = Front crawl, Slow= Breaststroke
Y = 50 CH
N = 50 BK
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x Flip at wall 1st, then SL on back
Start close to the wall, facing wall.
Do a front flip towards the wall. Plant feet on wall, lay backwards, and SL on back underwater.
Group 2:

3 x SL + 5 kicks in position 11 + 1 breath to side in position 1, then 5 kicks in position 1 with face down.
Do a streamline with all three things. At surface kick in position 11. Put one arm at hips, keeping the other arm extended forward above the shoulder on the surface.
Take one breath to side, continuing to kick.
Look down again, and kick in position 1 for 5 more kicks. The goal is side breaths.
Get back together into one group
Fail Box Game

Fail Box:
Fail box game. The focus was on streamline and ever more difficult activities after.
Everyone in the lane does #1. In this case, Streamline underwater.
Round 1 is a practice round, round 2 is the final test round.
Coaches give thumbs up for success (they did the skill correct) or a thumbs down, or fail, if the swimmer does ANYTHING incorrect.
If anyone fails their attempt the lane does the Fail Box activity 1.
If everyone succeeds, then lane does the Success Box 1.
Go down the line not repeating fails or success box items.
Builds upon a few expected systems in place:
- SL + [something], swimmers should understand this concept and be familiar with short distance training and feedback.
- Knowledge and awareness of what those [something] activities are. you have to teach them before you can play this game.
- Be able to read the board and know what the shorthand means.
Game descriptions:
Flop – a – Fish: lay on your back (floating) and partner slaps your hand. Flop over on your belly, partner slaps your back, you flop back on your back. Basically flop back and forth like a fish when tapped by your partner.
Spider game, and cannonball push can be found on the website: www.swimminglessonsideas.com