100 IM Kick
100 FLY K on back
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: What are the two types of swimming “turns?” Flip turn and open turn
Y = 50 CH
N = 50 BK with a flip turn
4 x 25 on 1:00 Flip 1st at wall + BK
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

HLBw/R on deck review
Head Lead Balance with Rotation.
Keep head aimed at one thing. Rotate whole body below the chin to the side.
Aim toes in same direction as one ear.
Rotate whole body, except head the other direction.
Head remains still. Focus on moving feet and toes to sides, along with belly button.
Rest chin on shoulder.

3 x SL on BK + 3 HLBw/R
Head Lead Balance with Rotation
Body in soldier position, kick with face up.
Rotate hips and shoulders from parallel to surface to perpendicular to surface. Rotate through both sides.
Have constant kick to keep body straight.
Rotation Drill.
Group 2:

3 x SL + 2 FLY
SL w/ fly kick, continue kick through the two strokes.
NO breath on #1. Optional breath on #2.
Hips should RISE when the arms reach into 11.
Breathe at the beginning of the stroke when the hands push water down from 11 to the hipline. Hips should drive down to bottom too.
Connect hips to the arm strokes.
Get back together into one group
Before the set have each lane come up with 3 of their own challenges.
Long course meets coming up. Get read to swim distance long and comfortable. Do all streamlines.
3 x {
1 x 200 FR (Slower lanes do 150 or 100; based on ability)
2 x 25 FLY to 1/2 way Fly K the rest
1 x personal lane challenge (swimmers come up with their own before the set.