100 IM Kick
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: What is an “undulation?” Whole body roll like a fly kick starting at chest and flowing through toes.
Y = Walk while undulating like seaweed with legs trying to leave the water.
N = Flop on the ground like limp seaweed or a fish out of water. Then do 5 pushups.
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL + FLY K
Stay in SL and do fly kick. At the surface do 3 more FLY kicks in soldier position (with hands near hips).
Group 2:

Falling down for Backstroke
Move through progression:
- Hold wall with both hands, go underwater 3 x keeping a hold
- Hands and feet on the wall, go underwater 3 x keeping feet on the wall.
- Hands and feet on wall to start, 3 x fall under, lay back and put hands on top of head. Get back flat. (see picture)
Get back together into one group
4 x 25 with FINS BK swim. With Underwater streamline.

Quest to be a Master Swimmer
Master = Accomplish all tasks
Journeyman = Accomplish most tasks
Apprentice = Accomplish few tasks
Come up with a story and at each stage require swimmers to complete a specific swimming skill. Swimmers that can do all will earn the title at the end, “Swimming Master!”