100 IM Kick
100 IM Swim
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: What do you get when you earn 175 points in a year for the first time? Coho Jacket
Y = 50 swim like you’re wearing a jacket
N = 50 FR K no board or arms.
4 x 25 on 1:00 Backstroke
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 breath
Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.
Must breathe 1 time on stroke 2, 3, or 4. No breathing on 1 or 5.

Group 2:

3 x SL + 2 FLY
SL w/ fly kick, continue kick through the two strokes.
NO breath on #1. Optional breath on #2.
Hips should RISE when the arms reach into 11.
Breathe at the beginning of the stroke when the hands push water down from 11 to the hipline. Hips should drive down to bottom too.
Connect hips to the arm strokes.
Get back together into one group
4 x 100 IM Fly is swim to 1/2 way then fly kick the rest.
Game – Triathlon: Swim, Bike, Run
Do all three for time.
- Swim 100 yards.
- Bike, 50 yards.
- Run (walk) around the pool deck 1 time.
Swim = Freestyle
Bike = ride a noodle and “pedal” feet. Without noodles sit around a kickboard or two kickboards with the curved part aiming forward and use hands and feet to “bike.” Remain upright, and not laying flat with face in the water.
Run = Walk around the deck, or if you have a space to run, run around the pool.
Write down everyone’s start time, and the total amount of time until they “finish.”