Dryland Activities:
Dryland Yoga Flow for Swimmers:

- Plank
- Chaturanga
- Plank
- Down Dog
- Forward Fold / Lazy Puppet
- Soldier
- Streamline
- 11
- 1 Free
- other arm Free
- Both for butterfly
- Repeat.
Question of the Day: When we say go three times streamline plus three free, what does that mean?
Correct = Jump in the water 3 times.
Wrong = Kick with a kickboard from the wall to 1/2 way and back.
Warmup in water:
Touch the bottom 3 times:
- With hand
- With hips / butt
- With shoulder blades (lay on back and look up)
100 IM Kick: Explain what each stroke is: fly, back, breast, free. Arms held in soldier the entire time.
2 x 25 position 11: See instructions below.
Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.
1) Lock your thumb.
2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Review 3 things for Position 11 before second 25:
1) Keep your arms straight.
2) Stay at the surface (even when you breathe).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Lane Activities:

3x SL + Position 11 for 5 kicks + 1 FR
Streamline with freestyle kick. At the surface transition from streamline to position 11. Continue kicking for 5 kicks in position 11.
Continue kicking and do one arm stroke of freestyle. Leave other arm in position 11 place.

6 x SL + 3 FREE
Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.
If possible NO breath.

Challenge: Position 1 Breath
Push off the wall in position 1.
Take 3 breaths to the side, only moving your head, before you get to the flags.
Kicking allowed. No streamline.

3 x SL on BK
Begin underwater. Lay on back, hands on head, grow into streamline. Push off in straight line.

3 x SL on back + 3 BK after flags
Underwater first, lean back, grow into streamline. Long flat glide looking up with bubbles in SL.
Stay in SL until you reach the flags.
After the flags, begin three strokes.
Count with your thumb EXITS the water, or begins the recovery portion of the stroke.

Challenge: Log Push with Partners
Form a group of 3.
1 person lays horizontal across the lane on their back or belly.
Hands and toes should point perpendicular to the lane lines.
2 friends push the legs and shoulder to “push the log” to the flags.
Pushing people cannot go past the “T” mark.
Small Endurance Set:
For all leave 5 seconds apart, or when the swimmer ahead of you gets to the flags closest to you. The coach or instructor will tell the first person when to go.
Instructors: review Streamline before every 25.
2 x 25: Flutter kick using kickboards and fins
(2 x 25 FR K w/ Fins and KB; shorthand version)
2 x 25: Front crawl swim with breathing using fins and kickboard
(2 x 25 FR w/ Fins & KB)
Do catchup drill with the kickboard. 1 hand stays on the kickboard at all times.
2 x 25: Backstroke swim. When you see the flags at the other side, put your hand above your head in Position 1 and kick until your hand touches the wall.
Q of the Day Answer:
It means you should all go 3 times. A “time” is pushing off the wall in streamline, then at the surface do three strokes of front crawl with no breathing. Stop after the third stroke, move across the lane, and return to the wall. Do it again until you’ve done all of it three times.
Use the rotation method: