Advanced Lesson: Week 2

On Deck yoga flow:

Dryland Yoga Flow for Swimmers:

  1. Plank
  2. Chaturanga
  3. Plank
  4. Down Dog
  5. Forward Fold / Lazy Puppet
  6. Soldier
  7. Streamline
  8. 11
  9. 1 Free
  10. other arm Free
  11. Both for butterfly
  12. Repeat.

Review rotation method:

Set up your lane

1st person starts in the lane’s corner.

Everyone else lines up along the lane line.

#1 pushes off, does their activity, then moves over. Returns to the back of the line.

#2 can begin with the person ahead of them crosses the black line to the other side of the lane.

You can do anything when you return. Stay out of the way.

Get in and go!

Get in the water and touch the bottom 5 times:

  • 2 x with foot
  • 2 x with a hand
  • 1 x with butt or back
Streamline from above. Locked thumb, squeezed ears, looking down.

3 x SL + Free Kick

Dropdown underwater, then push off in streamline.
Grown into a streamline as you push with your legs.

3x SL + Position 11 for 5 kicks + 1 FR

Streamline with freestyle kick. At the surface transition from streamline to position 11. Continue kicking for 5 kicks in position 11.

Continue kicking and do one arm stroke of freestyle. Leave other arm in position 11 place.

Challenge: Swim around the circle.

Like the dolphin, move around the hoop.

Instructor holds the hula hoop at the surface.

Beginners: Walk around the hula hoop keeping the back of head touching the hoop. Do 1 full rotation around the OUTSIDE of the hoop.

Beginners: Do it again, but on the inside, and have your nose touching the hoop.

Advanced: Swim around the hula hoop, on the outside, with your head touching the hoop at all times. With face in the water if possible.

3 x SL + 3 FREE + Flip

Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.

If possible NO breath.

3 x SL on BK

Begin underwater. Lay on back, hands on head, grow into streamline. Push off in straight line.

Created with Microsoft Fresh Paint

Challenge: Position 1 Breath

Push off the wall in position 1.
Take 3 breaths to the side, only moving your head, before you get to the flags.

Kicking allowed. No streamline.

2 x 25 Position 11 Kicking with a kick board; Fins allowed

Breath to the side with a free arm stroke when needed.

1 x 50 FLY Kick in soldier with or without FINS

Challenge –

Challenge – swim to 1/2 way with no breath and only 3 strokes

Freestyle no kicking.

BONUS: Do it in 3 breaststrokes (including breath)

3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 breath

Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.

Must breathe 1 time on stroke 2, 3, or 4. No breathing on 1 or 5.

2 x 25 Free swim with fins

Watch video first; with sound.

YouTube player

Challenge –

2 headstands or tripods for 4 seconds with legs together

Challenge –

Flip 1st, then streamline on back to the flags underwater without breaking the surface

Float on your back with one hand and one foot touching the wall (not touching lane lines). Remain next to the wall for 10 seconds. Like corpse pose from yoga.

Challenge – Back on the bottom, 2 feet on the wall

Lay down on the bottom of the pool with your back, shoulders and hips touching the floor.

At the same time, but two feet on the wall.

Hold it for 2 seconds.

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