Swim Lesson Plan – Infant Day 1 plan

THE FOLLOWING FULL DAY LESSON PLAN IS FOUND HERE: https://www.swimminglessonsideas.com/blog/parent-tot/ Round 1: -Sit child on the side. -Splash feet or play with toys. Use the floating smiley faces. -Press smile underwater with 1 foot, then the other. -Press smile under with both feet.– Sing Ring around the Rosey, and at the end say “…all jump …

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Swim Drill – Freestyle – 3 Strokes and 10 kicks

Freestyle is one of the four competitive strokes in USA Swimming. We introduce it to all of our beginning swimmers as a front glide, or a streamline. After learning the basics, and knowing how to swim the stroke generally well, we use this drill: Freestyle, 3 strokes, then 10 kicks on your side. Push off …

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Jump in on "pigeon"

Swimming Game – Pigeon

A great game to play in a diving well or in the deep end of the pool. This Swimming lessons game, Pigeon, can be modified to work on any number of skills!     Children line up along the outside edge of the pool, standing. (they can dive in or not as you choose) The …

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Swimming Lessons Plan – Swim Lesson Plan Template

Use the following generic template to write your own swimming lessons plans. Most lessons are 30 minutes, and you can break up your lessons into three 10 minute blocks. I generally focus on one skill like Freestyle in a 10 minute block, working on glides, streamlines, kicking and arms. After 10 minutes of that do …

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Swimming Lesson Plan – Adult Lessons

You can see our updated guide to teaching adults and teens here: [button text=”Adult and Teen Guide” url=”https://www.swimminglessonsideas.com/2016/02/19/new-swim-instructor-guide-teach-adults-teens/” background_color=”#2dcb73″ text_color=”#ffffff” style=”lt_flat” size=”default” icon=”” open_new_window=”true” rounded=”true”]   To teach Adults how to swim requires first assessing what their ability level is. Follow these steps: Do they go underwaterIf yes then continue, otherwise focus on this first.  Float: …

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How to find Swim Lessons in your area

Google is your friend. That is the real key to the whole process, though Bing or any other search engine will do. Before typing in your location and “swim lessons” I recommend you go to your local park district first.  Find your local park district here Park districts often have quality swimming pools of varying …

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Chicken arm swim drill

Swim Drill – Chicken Wings

In swimming lessons and triathlon training the “Chicken Wings” is one of the classic drills exercised. The challenge of this exercise is swimming without the support of your hands and – even more difficult – with a reduced arm length; your arms are bend to short “Chicken Wings”. Shoulders and elbows have to come high …

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Sharks and Minnows- GULP!

Swimming Game – Sharks and Minnows

Are you a swim teacher looking for some new games to teach your kids? Their are many fun games to lessons to teach kids, but this game is sure to get yours wanting more. The game is called Sharks and Minnows and this how you play: This game is for advanced swimmers, or swimmers who …

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Swimming Game – Monkey Walks

A great swim lesson skill for smaller and younger swimmers is called Monkey Walks.The teach Monkey walks in a learn to swim class follow these steps: The swimmer essentially walks along the side of the pool using their hands and feet to move along the edge. I’ve included a video demonstrating the action. This is …

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Girl diving for rings in swimming pool

Swimming Game – Ring Retrieval

Being able and comfortable going underwater is one of the key skills for swimming. One way to acquire this skill is by playing a retrieval game. The rules are simple: throw something that will sink (dive rings or sticks are perfect) into the water and ask the child to retrieve them. How to play: *Throw …

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Swimming Game – Diving In

Diving is one of the hardest swim skills to teach, especially diving from a block. This game, simply named “Diving in,” will help to teach proper diving technique. Depending on the age of the swimmer, they can either dive from the block or from the edge of the pool. 1) Have all of your swimmers …

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Swim Lesson Plan – Parent and Infant Class

Swimming can be described as the ability for one to move harmoniously through the water. Swimming is a very wonderful thing especially to infants and children who are in the process of growing. It is good for their growth, health and fitness. However, it is wise for every parent and swimming teacher to take caution …

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Swimming Game – Bake a Cake

Bake a Cake -Get a hoola hoop, or a circular object and make that your “cake” -Have swimmers circle around the hoola hoop and hold the sides. -Take turns asking each swimmer what they would like in their cake. Exp: “Susie, what would you like in your cake?” “CHOCOLATE!” “Ok, lets put some chocolate in …

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