HLBw/R on deck review
Head Lead Balance with Rotation.
Keep head aimed at one thing. Rotate whole body below the chin to the side.
Aim toes in same direction as one ear.
Rotate whole body, except head the other direction.
Head remains still. Focus on moving feet and toes to sides, along with belly button.
Rest chin on shoulder.
Head lead balance with rotation
Can be done on front and on back.
Keep body in soldier position. Hands near the hips. Head still and stable either looking down or up depending on if on back or belly.
To breathe when doing face down, rotate head to ceiling with shoulder rotating up.

3 x SL on BK + 3 HLBw/R
Head Lead Balance with Rotation
Body in soldier position, kick with face up.
Rotate hips and shoulders from parallel to surface to perpendicular to surface. Rotate through both sides.
Have constant kick to keep body straight.
Rotation Drill.