Check out our free lesson plans hosted on Seriously. They’re awesome and free. Download samples of our daily lesson plans for level specific instruction, a few pages of our visual skill sheets, and even pages from our Teaching Swimming and Lesson Coordinator workbooks.
At the bottom of every post, game, page, and tool on this site is a link to download the free preview. Get your documents for free now!
But how do they help?
I see a lot of text. People don’t read.
The Streamline Visual Skill Sheet is part of the free download. It is an excellent tool to print on indestructible paper and then use in the water without fear of it dissolving or tearing.
We use the Streamline skill sheet for all of our Level 2, 3, 4, and Developmental swim teams. Coaches and swim instructors use the sheet to remind themselves on the 3 steps to a good streamline and swimmers use the visual images and language as a reference between attempts.
You can see what a streamline is and then the three steps to doing one well in a matter of seconds! Now you can teach a complex, crucial, fundamental swimming skill without worrying about how you’re going to teach it on your own.
Our swim lesson plans and visual skill sheets are designed to use images and predictable formulas to remove the mental barriers involved in creating your own documents and training. We want you and your swimmers to learn quickly, well, and with a focus on fun!
I see a lot of text.
- At first, we need to detail the exact steps to do each activity.
- As mastery and familiarity grows the reliance on the description decreases
- Instructors will eventually look at the title and know what to do.

Yes! There is text. It is condensed and concise directed exactly what the instructor needs to know in varying degrees. Let’s break down these lesson plans and give you a look at the different pieces inside each “box.”

This is an activity block.
Note at the top the title and the number. This is the first thing an instructor should do once their class is collected and in the water.
Immediately under the title and number is the name of the activity; “Bubbles and Bobs.”
If the instructor knows how to do bubbles and bobs, they don’t need to go further. They can stop reading and do the activity.
For those that DON’T know what bubbles and bobs are there are explicit direct instructions underneath to describe what to do.
This type of information makes the lesson plans useful for veteran and novice swim instructors!

Progress and Pictures
Notice how the activity changes to Activity 2; which means this is the second thing a swim instructor should do in the water with their swimmers.
We assume that you use benches or platforms for your smaller swimmers, but without those, or in lieu of them you can still do the same activity in a shallow area.
The included picture is intended as a reminder to the swim instructor’s training found in the Teaching Swimming workbook and the Lesson Coordinator Handbook: Training section.
This graphic illustrates two benches pushed together and the flow of swimmers moving around them in a circle; just like circle swimming!!
As an aquatic professional, you have many responsibilities and tasks to manage. You need to ensure the safety, quality, and efficiency of your aquatic programs, as well as the satisfaction of your customers and staff. One of the most challenging aspects of your job is to design and implement effective swim lesson plans that meet the needs and goals of your learners.
That’s why using as a reference can make your life easier. This website offers a variety of swim lesson plans, guides, and training materials that can help you save time, energy, and resources.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel or spend hours brainstorming and researching the best practices and methods for teaching swimming. You can simply use the ready-made lesson plans and adapt them to your specific context and objectives.
The lesson plans on are designed to be clear, concise, and consistent. They provide you with the following benefits:
- Structure and sequence: The lesson plans follow a logical and progressive order that builds on the previous skills and knowledge of the learners. They also include a variety of activities and drills that keep the learners engaged and motivated.
- Visual and verbal cues: The lesson plans come with visual skill sheets and verbal instructions that help you explain and demonstrate the skills and techniques to the learners. They also help the learners to self-assess and correct their own performance.
- Feedback and evaluation: The lesson plans include criteria that help you monitor and assess the progress and achievement of the learners. All activities and lesson plans aim at the core testable skills for that level. They also help you provide constructive and specific feedback that enhances the learning process.
By using the lesson plans and guides from, you can offload the responsibility of creating and delivering effective swim lessons from yourself and let the website do the hard thinking and pre-planning work for you. This way, you can focus on other aspects of your job, such as managing your staff, promoting your programs, and communicating with your customers.
You can also use the training documents from to train and develop your swim instructors. The training documents serve as a resource for your instructors to reference and for you to point to in order to ensure standard lesson competency and compliance. The training documents cover topics such as:
- Teaching Swimming: This workbook covers the fundamentals of teaching swimming, such as the learning process, the teaching methods, the lesson components, the safety rules, and the communication skills.
- Lesson Coordinator Handbook: This handbook covers the role and responsibilities of a lesson coordinator, such as the program planning, the staff supervision, the customer service, and the quality assurance.
- Level Specific Instruction: This document covers the objectives, skills, and activities for each level of swim lessons, from beginner to advanced.
By using the training documents from, you can ensure that your instructors are well-prepared, confident, and consistent in delivering high-quality swim lessons that meet the expectations and standards of your organization and customers.
In conclusion, using as a reference can make your life as an aquatic professional easier by providing you with swim lesson plans, guides, and training materials that can help you save time, energy, and resources. You can use these resources to offload the responsibility of creating and delivering effective swim lessons from yourself and let the website do the hard thinking and pre-planning work for you. You can also use these resources to train and develop your swim instructors and ensure standard lesson competency and compliance. By doing so, you can focus on other aspects of your job and improve the quality and efficiency of your aquatic programs.
But wait! There’s more in the free download package!
- Teaching Swimming Workbook: A comprehensive guide to teaching swimming skills, from going underwater to streamlining, using the rotation method and picture-based progressions. It also covers how to hold parent tot and infant classes, and how to use games and activities to make learning fun and effective.
- Lesson Coordinator Handbook: A practical handbook for lesson coordinators, who are responsible for managing the swim program, training the staff, and solving problems. It includes an introduction and overview of the parent tot program, tips on how to set expectations and use icebreakers, and strategies for assessing and testing the students’ levels. It also covers how to use swimming and meditation, and deliberate practice, to improve the quality of teaching and learning.
level-specific games and challenges that will energize your lessons, invigorate your swimmers, and spark joy in the face of failure and success.
level-specific games and challenges that will energize your lessons, invigorate your swimmers, and spark joy in the face of failure and success.
level-specific games and challenges that will energize your lessons, invigorate your swimmers, and spark joy in the face of failure and success.
level-specific games and challenges that will energize your lessons, invigorate your swimmers, and spark joy in the face of failure and success.
level-specific games and challenges that will energize your lessons, invigorate your swimmers, and spark joy in the face of failure and success.
level-specific games and challenges that will energize your lessons, invigorate your swimmers, and spark joy in the face of failure and success.
level-specific games and challenges that will energize your lessons, invigorate your swimmers, and spark joy in the face of failure and success.
level-specific games and challenges that will energize your lessons, invigorate your swimmers, and spark joy in the face of failure and success.