Why streamline and short distances can build confidence and bravery!
Kicking off January of 2025 we’re going to look at how to move those Level 1 swimmers that just graduated in Level 2 to gliding by themselves short distances. We’ll focus on strategies and techniques that encourage independent attempts, using kicking for propulsion, and leveraging the swimmer’s new-found joy in floating on their own to start forward horizontal progress.
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Set the stage
Swimmers are coming from Level 1 where they’ve become familiar with being supported at all times. They can go underwater and may even joyously put their faces in over and over, but they haven’t yet learned to glide or swim on their own.

Level 2 is where swimmers learn to glide without support.
But how do we get swimmers to overcome this hurdle?
The video is a great short distance streamline. Going from a swimmer that only does supported front glides to an excellent streamline is a matter of time, process, and repetition.
The answer:
Short distances and small steps.
Opportunities to put the face in the water in a safe, loving, caring environment.
Your job is to provide those safe, caring, loving opportunities.
They’ll grow into independence, joy, and brave swims across ever-larger gaps between safe standing.

Great, but how do you provide those chances?
Give swimmers safe opportunities to “stretch.”
“Stretching” might look like asking swimmers to perform a skill that is just beyond their current comfort and ability, encouraging them to take the next step in their growth.
For more details, check out Stretch and Challenge: A teacher’s guide
Supported Front Glides

Stretch 1
Jumping from one bench to the other across a small gap with the face in the water.
Stretch 2
Jumping off the bench or wall into a front glide, crossing a small distance indepdently to be supported by the instructor.

The instructor’s responsibility:
To bring the identify the swimmer’s comfort, and push them to stretch into the next step.
Activities and Challenges that have stretching baked in:

Walk around the benches.
When the swimmer crosses from one bench to the next, kiss the water.

Supported Front Glide with a reach
Stand *just* outside of the swimmer’s reach.
Have them follow the front glide script. Ask them to reach for your “shoulders.”
Once they reach you, walk backwards providing support.

Kicking across the gap
Arrange the benches so there is a sizable gap.
Kick across the gap using a kickboard, a barbell, or a floating support tool.

Reach for the Wall
Position a bench so that it faces the wall about 1 body length away.
Swimmers take turns with support leaning forward and grabbing the edge with both hands.
Encourage swimmers to kiss the water as they reach and fall forward.
Put two hands on the wall, and two feet and monkey walk sideways. At the end of the bench, reach back and return to the rotation.
Stretching Lesson Plan for getting swimmers to move independently.
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