1 x 100 IM Kick
8 x 25: stop at each wall for 10 seconds. FREE / BK x 25 (free one way, backstroke the other).
1 x 50 Position 11 tell a coach 3 things for SL and 11 before you start.
Question of the Day:
What muscles get tired faster: your arms or your stomach?
Correct: Do a 50 FLY Kick
Wrong: Do a 50 FREE no kicking
3 x
4 x 25: HLBw/R on BK
Head Lead Balance with Rotation (see picture) Head does not move. Hips rotate.
2 x 50: FREE; rotate hips while you swim (max diagonal to surface; / )
1 x Challenge

Handstand rewind.
Push off the wall and do a handstand at the “T” mark.
Rewind by pushing off the ground with your hands and returning to where you started.
Do a flip with feet going over your head.
Do a flip with your feet going sideways.
Do a flip with your feet going diagonal.
Kick in soldier from wall to the flags spinning.
Never look forward. Stay in soldier