Dryland Activities:
Question of the Day: What is a “heat” at a swim meet?
Correct = Line up and do 2 heats of run from line to line.
Wrong = Same as correct + 2 situps and 2 pushups.
Warmup in water:
100 IM Kick
2 x 25 position 11 Zombie!
Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.
1) Lock your thumb.
2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Review 3 things for Position 11 before second 25:
1) Keep your arms straight.
2) Stay at the surface (even when you breathe).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Split Up into 2 Groups
Group 1

3 x SL + 2 Bat Wing Flaps
Kinda like butterfly, but sweep your arms like a bat flapping its wings. Fangs and biting optional (fake bites).
Normal streamline, flap arms at sides like fluttering to fly as a bat.
Swoop to the ground near flags and attack your prey!
Group 2

3 x Angry Pumpkin Float + Flip
Push off the wall like an angry pumpkin, scowling, howling, and cringing with unhappiness your insides were scooped out.
At the yellow, or ~ 3 body lengths away take out your unhappiness by flipping 2x if possible without hands or feet.
Get back together in one group
4 x 25 with the whistle swims
1: FLY 2 strokes then kick
2: Backstroke with streamline
3: BR 2 strokes then FREE rest
4: FREE swim
2 x 25 Swim like a crackling zombie hungering for brains.
2 x 25 Swim on your back like a howling werewolf, wiggling like a snake to move
2 x 25 Like a vampire sleeping.