Dryland Activities:

Dryland – Grow into Streamline
On deck have everyone squat to the floor. Do 3 – 5 times. Tiring.
Keep the back as straight as possible.
Put their hands on their head like the picture.
Stand into streamline.
“Grow from a tiny sprout into a tall reaching streamline.”
Locked thumb
Squeezed ears
Face straight ahead (looking down)
The goal here is to establish a habit of going from hands on the head to streamline immediately and teach how it feels to push off the wall in streamline.
Question of the Day: How many short whistles are there before the long whistle at a meet?
Answer: 5
Y = Do 5 push-ups
N = Do 5 push-ups and 5 situps.
Warmup in water:
100 IM Kick
2 x 25 position 11.
Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.
1) Lock your thumb.
2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Review 3 things for Position 11 before second 25:
1) Keep your arms straight.
2) Stay at the surface (even when you breathe).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Split Up into 2 Groups
Group 1

3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 breath
Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.
Must breathe 1 time on stroke 2, 3, or 4. No breathing on 1 or 5.

Group 2

3 x SL on back + 3 BK after flags
Underwater first, lean back, grow into streamline. Long flat glide looking up with bubbles in SL.
Stay in SL until you reach the flags.
After the flags, begin three strokes.
Count with your thumb EXITS the water, or begins the recovery portion of the stroke.

Get back together in one group
2 x 50 Backstroke
4 x 25 FR
1 x Challenge
Challenge – Streamline Launch
Form partners.
Other person pushes their feet to launch them forward in streamline.
The pushing person can’t go past the flags or the “T” mark. Set a distance that the streamliner needs to travel to pass the challenge, without falling out of streamline or kicking.
Pusher can use the wall to push. This is encouraged.