1 x 100 IM KICK
1 x 50: FREE as slow as possible, still moving, still kicking.
1 x 50 Position 11
review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going.
Question of the Day:
What part(s) of your foot pushes the water during flutter kick?
Correct: Do a 50 FLY K w/ FINS
Wrong: DO a 50 FREE K w/ board
2 x {
10 x SL w/ FLY kick w/ FINS
Do all 3 things, get past the flags underwater.
12 x 25 on 1:00: FREE (SL underwater to yellow)
1 – 6 w/ FINS
7-12 no fins.
2 x 100 FREE Kick w/ board w/ FINS or FLY kick w/ FINS
1 x Challenge
Challenge #1:
Use your hands to push off the wall underwater and “streamline” feet first to the yellow. BONUS make it underwater to the flags.
Like a feet first streamline pushing with hands. HINT: Point toes, lock knees together, squeeze core tight.

Only using your hands near your hips, lay on your back and move from wall to the flags feet first.
At the flags, float on your back in soldier position. Without pushing off the bottom or using your hands, do 3 FLY kicks to get to half way.
Challenge #2:
Challenge #3: