1 x 100 IM KICK
1 x 50: FREE
1 x 50: BK K w/ FINS
2 x 25: Position 11 w/ FINS, together
review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going.
Question of the Day:
What are two things you can do to make a flip easier?
Correct: Stand at the T mark. Jump towards the wall and do a front flip, landing your feet on the wall.
Wrong: At the flags do 3 front flips. No touching the bottom.
2 x {
2 x 100 FR K w/ FIN w/ board
5 x Stand at the T mark. Jump sideways for the wall. Do a front flip, and land on the wall like:

2 x 50 FREE w/ a flip turn
1 x Challenge
Challenge #1:
Float on stomach for 5 seconds. Turn it into a front flip without using your hands; tuck them into your hips. Do it 4 times if you can.
Handstand REWIND!
1: Hands on T mark.
2: Hands 1/2 way between T and Wall.
3: Hands on ground as far away as possible!
In a back float, start with two feet flat against the wall, on the surface. Do 3 double arm BK strokes NO KICK, and turn it into a Back flip (in a ball) at the flags.
Challenge #2:
Challenge #3: