Dryland Activities:
Question of the Day: Show me an “undulation.”
Correct = Flop like a fish
Wrong = Flop like a fish on the ground and do a 30-second plank.
Warmup in water:
100 IM Kick
2 x 25 position 11.
Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.
1) Lock your thumb.
2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Review 3 things for Position 11 before second 25:
1) Keep your arms straight.
2) Stay at the surface (even when you breathe).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Split Up into 2 Groups
Group 1

3 x SL through Hula Hoops
Hold the hula hoop with the base touching the bottom at the T mark.
More advanced, move the hula hoop to the bottom at the flags.
6 x 25 FREE Kick
Group 2

3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 breath
Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.
Must breathe 1 time on stroke 2, 3, or 4. No breathing on 1 or 5.

6 x 25 with FINS
Get back together in one group
Q of the Day Answer: A body roll, like a fly kick starting at the chest and moving down through the toes.
True or False Game
Everyone gets out of the water. Line up with a fair amount of space between each person. Two feet’s toes on the edge.
“If I say something true, you jump in. If I say something false, do not jump in.
If you’re wrong, you’re out. Last one in wins. If everyone is out, I win.”
1st statement is easy and always true.
“This is a swimming pool.” or something similar.
Then ask swimming questions getting ever more specific.
“you must touch the wall with 2 hands on freestyle” – False. You don’t HAVE to.
Make statements about the coach that the swimmers would know.
“My name is…”
“I went to high school at…”
innocuous innocent facts that are appropriate for a child setting.