1 x 100 IM Kick
1 x 50 FREE w/ FINS
2 x 25 Position 11; with FINS

2 x 25 Position 11
Focus on three things:
1) Look Down when not breathing
2) Keep arms straight
3) Stay on the surface
Arms are over the head with elbows straight, hands stacked over shoulders. Kick freestyle kick with face down. To breathe, lift head up quickly. Avoid sculling or doggie paddle to breathe.
3 things to make Position 11 Easier:
1) Breathe Quickly, more often
2) When you breathe, kick faster
3) Keep Body straight
3 x {
3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 Breath
4 x 25 on 1:00 w/ FINS FREE
1 x 50 BK no fins
1 x Challenge
Lay on your side and paddle your arm like a canoe, not pushing past your hips. Get to 1/2 way without hitting a lane line or wall.

Lay flat on the bottom of the pool with your head and shoulders pressed to the ground watching the bubbles go to the surface. BONUS: put two feet on the wall.