1 x 100 IM KICK
1 x 50: BK w/ FINS
1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS; review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going.
Question of the Day:
How do you hold the board for FLY kick?
And for FREE kick?
Correct: 50 BK or FREE or FLY K w/ fins
Wrong: BK K w/ FINS
3 x {
6 x 25 on 1:00: w/ FINS: FREE
1 x 50: Back
3 x SL + Position 1, breath.
1 x Challenge

Challenge #1:
Streamline on your side, looking at the wall. Make it past 1/2 way.
Must be totally on side, no tilting.
With NO push off the wall, in position 11 move your body like FLY K and get to the flags.
MUST use the whole body (like an inch worm)
Streamline off the wall with regular flutter kick. While underwater spin completely around one time.
Spin along the spinal axis; like a ballerina spinning on their toes, but while moving sideways through the water in Streamline.
Like the picture, but in streamline.

Challenge #2:
Challenge #3: