1 x 100 IM KICK
1 x 50: FREE w/ FINS
1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS;
review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going.
Question of the Day:
What position should your arm be in when it enters the water during FREE?
Correct: FLY Kick w/ head above water to 1/2 way
Wrong: 50 BK kick
2 x {
3 x SL + 5 Kicks in Position 11, then 1 arm stroke. No breath. w/ FINS
6 x 25: Position 11 to 1/2 way. Catch-up drill the other half. w/ FINS
1 x 50 BK no fins
1 x Challenge
Challenge #1:

Push off the wall, underwater in Airplane; no kicking. Get to the flags.
Float like a star on your back for :30 without kicking or moving hands.
Use your breath and body position to stay floating.
Challenge –
Do a handstand with your legs together and toes pointed to the ceiling. Hold it for 2 seconds (or 3), then do a front flip where you land on your feet without otherwise touching the bottom.

Challenge #2:
Challenge #3: