1 x 100 IM KICK
4 x 50: FREE, BK, or FR K on your side:

1 x 50 Position 11: tell someone at least 2 lanes away in a loud voice the 3 things for SL and Position 11.
Question of the Day:
How many flutter kicks should you do from the beginning of the right arm pulling to the end of the right arm, returning to 11, during freestyle?
Correct: 3 x SL + Flip
Wrong: Do 100 Flutter kicks inside the flags.
3 x SL + 5 Kicks in 11 + 1 Free
8 x 50 on 1:30: (Pos 11 for 5 K + 1 FREE) / (FLY or FREE) x 25
Roll like a stone from the wall to the flags; breath as much as wanted but never touching the ground.
With two hands on the horizontal line of the +, do 20 Flutter kicks staying underwater in position 11.