1 x 100 IM KICK
1 x 50 FREE
1 x 50 BK K
1 x 50 Position 11: tell coach jeff 3 for sl and 11
1 x 100 IM K
1 x 100 FREE
1 x 100 BK K
1 x 100 FLY K
1 x 50 Position 11: Tell coach jeff 3 things for SL
Question of the Day:
What is the best way to learn how to begin kicking all the time?
a) kick super fast for 5 seconds at the start of each 25.
b) Have a strong kick when you remember to, or are not tired.
c) Move your feet all the time, even slowly if you’re tired.
Correct: 3 x Streamline w/ no Kick
Wrong: 3 x streamline with SUPER fast FREE kick
2 x 50 FREE
1 x 50 BK
1 x 50 FLY K
2 x 50 FREE
1 x 50 BK K
1 x 50 FLY K
4 x 50 on 1:15: FREE Fast
2 x 100: BK K or FLY K
4 x 50 on 1:30: 2 FLY + CH rest of each 25

Challenge – Back on the bottom, 2 feet on the wall
Lay down on the bottom of the pool with your back, shoulders and hips touching the floor.
At the same time, but two feet on the wall.
Hold it for 2 seconds.
With your feet on top of the lane line, and your arms in Vampire Sleep, keep your belly button and face above water for 5 seconds.