1 x 100 IM Kick
1 x 100 FREE
Review Position 11 and Streamline:
1 x 50 Position 11
Question of the Day:
#1: Est-ce que tu pret? Means what?
#2: When swimming freestyle what must touch the wall to end your race?
Correct: 5 handstands that turn into front flips
Wrong: 3 x SL + Flip
2 x 50 on 2:00 FREE Drill: FISTS
1 x 100 BK Kick
Crawl like spiderman on the floor from T mark to the flags using your hands and feet.

FR Drill – 0, 2, 5
Swim 1/3 with Fists, swim the second 1/3 with 2 fingers, and swim the last 1/3 with a full hand.
Feel the difference. Can do 6 strokes with 0 fingers, and 6 strokes with 2 fingers opened, and 6 strokes of all fingers open.
2 x 50 on 2:00 FREE Drill: 0, 2. 5
1 x 100 BK Kick
Flatten yourself like a squished bug on the + mark. BONUS do it completely underwater
2 x 50 on 2:00 FREE Drill: Head Tap Drill
1 x 100 BK Kick
Only using your hands near your hips, lay on your back and move from wall to the flags feet first.
2 x 50 on 2:00 FREE
1 x 100 BK
In a back float, start with two feet flat against the wall, on the surface. Do 3 double arm BK strokes NO KICK, and turn it into a Back flip (in a ball) at the flags.