1 x 100 IM Kick
1 x 100 BK
1 x 100 BR
1 x 100 CH
Review Streamline and Position 11 together. Why? Why?! Because some are still forgetting it. It ins’t a habit yet.
1 x 50 Position 11.
Question of the Day:
If you dive in an fall out of streamline will you be disqualified?
Correct: Do 3 not streamlines
Wrong: Do 3 streamlines underwater to the flags.
Everyone: 1 x 100 FREE
Watch only Biondi drill and FLY kick on side. Stop about 2 minutes.
4 x 25 on :45: FLY Drill: Fly Biondie Drill
1 x 100 on 2:30: IM
1 x 100 on 2:30: FREE
1 x 100 on 2:30: CH no FLY
With a SL that does not go past the flags get to 1/2 way with 2 fly strokes. Kicking only allowed on SL and when arms are moving.
4 x 25 on :45: FLY Drill: Fly K on side Drill
1 x 100 on 2:30: IM
1 x 100 on 2:30: FREE
1 x 100 on 2:30: CH no FLY
Form a sideways bridge on the wall underwater with only hands and feet touching the wall.
4 x 25 on :45: FLY Drill: Biondie Drill
1 x 100 on 2:30: IM
1 x 100 on 2:30: FREE
1 x 100 on 2:30: CH no FLY
SL with 2 FLY strokes (SL no farther than flags). After the second fly stroke dive underwater, rotate to side, and see if you can float/glide to 1/2 way (or LG).