Practice 7/6/2020


1 x 100 IM Kick
1 x 100 FREE
1 x 100 CH Kick
1 x 50 Position 11: Focus on head down when not breathing and strong kick.

Question of the Day:
What country invented fireworks?

Correct: 50 CH
Wrong: 50 BK Kick

Set 1

1 x 100 FREE Kick
1 x 200 FREE

Swim BK to 1/2 way with NO kicking and only 4 strokes.

Set 2:

1 x 100 BK Kick
1 x 200 FREE

With two hands on the horizontal line of the +, do 20 Flutter kicks staying underwater in position 11.

Set 3:

1 x 100 BR Kick
1 x 200 FREE

Roll like a stone from the wall to the flags; breath as much as wanted but never touching the ground.

Set 4:

1 x 100 FLY Kick
1 x 200 IM

Do an IM from wall to flags; must do at least 1 stroke of each stroke.

Set 5:

1 x 100 CH Kick
1 x 200 CH

Float on back, get to 1/2 way only moving your fingers. no arms, no kicking.

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