Warm up:
1 x 100 IM Kick
1 x 100 Not Free
1 x 100 Not BR
1 x 100 Not BK
1 x 50 CH anything, anything. Really. Anything.
1 x 50 Position 11: Say aloud 3 things to SL and 3 things to Position 11 to a coach before you go.
Question of the Day:
What makes your Freestyle faster: a long reach with an early anchor or a stronger push at the end of your stroke?
Correct: 50 Elementary Backstroke
Wrong: 50 BK
3 x 100 on 2:30: One 100 MUST be FREE.
Each 100 must be different;
FLY, BK, BR, FR, or IM
Lay on your side and paddle your arm like a canoe, not pushing past your hips. Get to 1/2 way without hitting a lane line or wall.

3 x 100 on 2:30: One 100 MUST be FREE.
Each 100 must be different: FLY, BK, BR, FR, or IM
Swim FREE to 1/2 way without ever letting your hand go past your shoulders. 11, small pull, back to 11. NO KICKING
Float on your back with one hand and one foot touching the wall (not touching lane lines). Remain next to the wall for 10 seconds. Like corpse pose from yoga.
3 x 100 on 2:30: One 100 MUST be FREE.
Each 100 must be different: FLY, BK, BR, FR, or IM

Challenge – Back on the bottom, 2 feet on the wall
Lay down on the bottom of the pool with your back, shoulders and hips touching the floor.
At the same time, but two feet on the wall.
Hold it for 2 seconds.
BONUS: Do it with hands crossed under your head.
2 x BONUS: Do it on your belly, completely flat against bottom and 2 feet touching wall.
3 x 100 on 2:30: One 100 MUST be FREE.
Each 100 must be different: FLY, BK, BR, FR, or IM
Float on BK and change direction (orientation) only using BR Kicks.
Go 1 way, then the other.
Bonus: Do it with Knees together.
2x BONUS: Do it with knees locked and FLY kicks.