1 x 100 IM Kick
1 x 100 BR Kick on Back
1 x 100 BR Kick hands behind back (like normal)
1 x 100 FLY 4 strokes, FLY K rest of each 25
1 x 100 CH
1 x 50 Position 11: Tell a coach the three things to SL and the 3 things to Position 11 before you begin.
Question of the Day:
Say a reason why you didn’t do a streamline (at some time).
Most people don’t streamline because of WHAT physical reason?
Correct: 50 CH
Wrong: 5 streamlines to the flags underwater.
2 x 25 on 1:00: HLBw/R on BK
3 x 50 on 1:30: FREE focusing on 45° rotation
1 x 100 CH NO FR
Kick in streamline on the surface to the flags rotating like a log in one direction at least 4 times before you get to the flags.
2 x 25 on 1:00: HLBw/R on stomach
3 x 50 on 1:30: FREE focusing on 45° rotation
1 x 100 CH NO FR
In a back float, start with two feet flat against the wall, on the surface. Do 3 double arm BK strokes NO KICK, and turn it into a Back flip (in a ball) at the flags.
2 x 25 on 1:00: HLBw/R on BK
3 x 50 on 1:30: FREE focusing on 45° rotation
1 x 100 CH NO FR
Launch yourself over the water like you’re doing a swan dive (in airplane) by pushing off the wall with your feet and see if you can skim (float with your head above water) on your belly to the flags without falling underwater.
2 x 25 on 1:00: HLBw/R on stomach
3 x 50 on 1:30: FREE focusing on 45° rotation
1 x 100 CH NO FR
Do 10 Flutter kicks on your side, then 10 flutter kicks on your other side and get to 1/2 way.
No SL; push off wall on surface from a float with almost no knee bend.