100 IM Kick
100 FREE
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: Recite the entire Flow. Each step without looking at the board.
Correct = 50 CH
Wrong = Do the flow on deck, then do a 50 FREE K no board.
4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x Flip at wall 1st, then SL on back
Start close to the wall, facing wall.
Do a front flip towards the wall. Plant feet on wall, lay backwards, and SL on back underwater.
Group 2:

3 x SL + “Lift and Flex”
Streamline, then lift feet up, and flex them. Hold in that position.

Get back together into one group
6 x 100: 1 BR stroke then FREE the rest.
– NO KICK on SL because of Breaststroke.
– Arms with a breath 1st.
– BR K in position 11
– Glide! Feel the stretch into 11.

Challenge – Hips above the surface
Push off the wall in streamline briefly.
Pike at the belly lifting the hips above the water so that the butt breaths over the waves.
Hands down, head down, and legs down.
Challenge – Make waves without breaking the surface
With both hands underwater, with open palms, push the water out and in as fast as you can, as close to the surface as you can so that you create giant waves between your face and the wall. See if you can get the water to splash over the edge of the pool without letting your hands go above the surface.

Challenge: Log Push with Partners
Form a group of 3.
1 person lays horizontal across the lane on their back or belly.
Hands and toes should point perpendicular to the lane lines.
2 friends push the legs and shoulder to “push the log” to the flags.
Pushing people cannot go past the “T” mark.
Challenge: Only one thing above the water
Float up from underwater and only let your nose poke above the water.
Can make this easier so it is only the face or only the belly button