100 IM Kick
100 FLY K w/ FINS
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: How many yards away from the wall are the flags?
Y = 50 FLY w/ FINS
N = 50 FLY K no fins
4 x 25 on 1:00 FR FINS
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:
Group 2:
answer 5 yards.
Get back together into one group
2 x {
1 x 100 FREE with FINS
2 x 25 FLY w/ FINS 4 strokes FLY Kick the rest. Breathe on stroke #2 and #4.

3 x SL + 2 FLY
SL w/ fly kick, continue kick through the two strokes.
NO breath on #1. Optional breath on #2.
Hips should RISE when the arms reach into 11.
Breathe at the beginning of the stroke when the hands push water down from 11 to the hipline. Hips should drive down to bottom too.
Connect hips to the arm strokes.
1 x 100 FREE with FINS
2 x 25 BR Drill: 1 arm stroke, 2 BR kicks in streamline underwater

3 x SL + 1 BR arm (11, Eat & Breath, 11) + 2 BR K (long glide underwater)
Streamline with no kick.
At the surface do the arms with a breath. 11, Eat and breathe, 11. Avoid chicken wings, or hands pushing water past shoulders down to belly.
Get underwater again in position 11.
Do 2 BR kicks one after another underwater.
Feel how kick launches body forward.
Pick one Challenge:
Challenge – swim to 1/2 way with no breath and only 3 strokes
Freestyle, no kicking, or 3 breaststroke’s.
Challenge – Streamline Launch
Form partners.
One person floats on the surface on the back or stomach in streamline. No kicking or breathing, or falling out of streamline.
Other person pushes their feet to launch them forward in streamline.
The pushing person can’t go past the flags or the “T” mark. Set a distance that the streamliner needs to travel to pass the challenge, without falling out of streamline or kicking.
Pusher can use the wall to push. This is encouraged.
Challenge – Flip 1st, then streamline on back to the flags underwater without breaking surface