100 IM Kick
100 BR K on back
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: Do you have to raise money to participate in the 1 hour swim at Laps for Coho?
Correct = 50 CH
Wrong = 50 FR
4 x 25 on 1:00 FR K with board.
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL + 1 BR arm (11, Eat & Breath, 11) + 1 BR K (long glide underwater)
Streamline with no kick.
At the surface do the arms with a breath. 11, Eat and breathe, 11. Avoid chicken wings, or hands pushing water past shoulders down to belly.
Get underwater again in position 11.
Do 1 BR kicks one after another underwater.
Feel how kick launches body forward.
Group 2:

3 x SL + 2 FLY
SL w/ fly kick, continue kick through the two strokes.
NO breath on #1. Optional breath on #2.
Hips should RISE when the arms reach into 11.
Breathe at the beginning of the stroke when the hands push water down from 11 to the hipline. Hips should drive down to bottom too.
Connect hips to the arm strokes.
Get back together into one group
Test Set: Swim for 5 Minutes.
Swim for 5 minutes.
Count how many lengths, or 25’s, or one direction, that you swim.
Avoid stopping at the wall.
Minnows: Must swim 4 lengths, or 25’s of FREE first, then can do any of the following by 25: FR, BK, FR K, or BK K.
Sharks: Must swim 4 lengths, or 25’s, or a 100 of FREE first, then can do any of the following by 25: FR, BK, FR K, BK K, FLY K.

Game – Streamline Push
Create partners or groups.
One person floats on their back or belly in streamline.
Other person holds their feet. When they’re ready, the person holding the feet pushes using hands and feet on the wall to “Push” the streamline as far as you can go.
The winner is the “streamline” that gets the farthest without kicking, moving, or breathing.
Test Set: Swim for 5 Minutes.
Swim for 5 minutes.
Count how many lengths, or 25’s, or one direction, that you swim.
Avoid stopping at the wall.
Minnows: Must swim 4 lengths, or 25’s of FREE first, then can do any of the following by 25: FR, BK, FR K, or BK K.
Sharks: Must swim 4 lengths, or 25’s, or a 100 of FREE first, then can do any of the following by 25: FR, BK, FR K, BK K, FLY K.
True or False Game
Everyone gets out of the water. Line up with a fair amount of space between each person. Two feet’s toes on the edge.
“If I say something true, you jump in. If I say something false, do not jump in.
If you’re wrong, you’re out. Last one in wins. If everyone is out, I win.”
1st statement is easy and always true.
“This is a swimming pool.” or something similar.
Then ask swimming questions getting ever more specific.
“you must touch the wall with 2 hands on freestyle” – False. You don’t HAVE to.
Make statements about the coach that the swimmers would know.
“My name is…”
“I went to high school at…”
innocuous innocent facts that are appropriate for a child setting.