100 IM Kick
100 FREE Kick no board *turn head to the side to breathe!*
2 x 25 Position 1 with side breaths away from the arm in 1.
Question of the Day: What does “I.M.” stand for?
Correct = 50 Do your individual favorite strokes.
Wrong = 50 Do 1 stroke of each stroke over and over.
4 x 25 on 1:00 IMO = I.M. Order
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL on back + 3 BK after flags + Roll on belly + Flip
Underwater first, lean back, grow into streamline. Long flat glide looking up with bubbles in SL.
Stay in SL until you reach the flags.
After the flags, begin three strokes.
Count with your thumb EXITS the water, or begins the recovery portion of the stroke.
Group 2:

SL w/ fly kick, continue kick through the two strokes.
NO breath on #1. Optional breath on #2.
Hips should RISE when the arms reach into 11.
Breathe at the beginning of the stroke when the hands push water down from 11 to the hipline. Hips should drive down to bottom too.
Connect hips to the arm strokes.
Get back together into one group
4 x
2 x 25 on 1:00: Fly Drill, 3 Right only, 3 left only. FINS.
Keep one arm in Position 11 while the other moves.
Focus on your hips.
1 x 50 on 2:00: FREE Drill, 3 strokes then 10 K on your side. FINS.
Focus on aiming head down. Twist head up to breathe.
Be Long! Long reaching arm into 11.
1 x 50 on 2:00: FREE, no fins.