100 IM Kick
100 FREE
2 x 25 Position 1, with side breaths away from arm.
Question of the Day: Which stroke has a “whip kick?”
Correct = 50 BR Kick with board.
Wrong = 50 Fly kick on your side
4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL + 2 FLY Kicks on each side
Around the World Fly Drill
Do 2 Fly kicks on your stomach.
Do 2 fly kicks on your side
On your back
On your other side.
Group 2:
5 x SL + FLY Skate Drill
Streamline with fly kick. At surface do one stroke. Leave hands at the hips, lift head up so chin skates across surface or chin glides above water.
Get back together into one group
8 x 100
1-4: with FINS
25 FLY
1st 25: 2 FLY + FREE rest
Only 2 stroke fly for the whole 100 right at the beginning.