100 IM Kick
100 FREE kick with a board and 12 BR kicks peppered through the 100.
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: Name two things that can make a front flip easier.
Correct = 50 FREE with a flip turn
Wrong = 50 FREE Kick with a flip turn
4 x 25 on 1:00 Flip 1st at the wall, then FREE the rest.

3 x Flip at wall 1st, then SL on back
Start close to the wall, facing wall.
Do a front flip towards the wall. Plant feet on wall, lay backwards, and SL on back underwater.
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL + 2 FLY
SL w/ fly kick, continue kick through the two strokes.
NO breath on #1. Optional breath on #2.
Hips should RISE when the arms reach into 11.
Breathe at the beginning of the stroke when the hands push water down from 11 to the hipline. Hips should drive down to bottom too.
Connect hips to the arm strokes.
8 x 50 on 2:00. With FINS
25 FLY
Fly fail too many times, switch to: 2 x fly then fly kick the rest of the way.
Group 2:

3 x Flip at wall 1st, then SL on back + 3 FREE
(Roll over on surface)
Start close to the wall, facing wall.
Do a front flip towards the wall. Plant feet on wall, lay backwards, and SL on back underwater.
4 x 50 on 2:00 FREE with flip turn.