100 IM Kick
100 FLY K with FINS
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: Can you do an open turn in Freestyle and NOT get DQ’d?
Y = 50 FR with flip turn
N = 50 FLY K
4 x 25 on 1:00 Fly 2 strokes with FINS and FR the rest
Split up into two groups:
Group 1:

3 x SL + 1 BR arm (11, Eat & Breath, 11) + 2 BR K (long glide underwater)
Streamline with no kick.
At the surface do the arms with a breath. 11, Eat and breathe, 11. Avoid chicken wings, or hands pushing water past shoulders down to belly.
Get underwater again in position 11.
Do 2 BR kicks one after another underwater.
Feel how kick launches body forward.
Group 2:

3 x SL + no K + 1 FLY Stroke with a 1/2 kick from “airplane” to 11
No kicking on the streamline until the very end of the arm stroke.
Glide on SL first, then at the surface move the arms in the fly motion.
Okay for the recovery, from hips to airplane to push the swimmer backward.

Add 1/2 kick
Once the arms get to “airplane position the swimmer should initiate a 1/2 kick pressing their butt in the air and their lungs forward until the arms reach position 11
Thumbs aim down and should be only part of the hand touching the water.
Arms do not go UP over the water or over the body. Natural and easy movement around the sides.
Get back together into one group
2 x {
2 x 50 with FINS 2 FLY + FREE the rest only 2 fly on first push off. Attempt flip turns.
4 x 25 on 1:00 2 BR with long glide then BK the rest no fins
Challenge –
Spin in a circle with your whole head above water without touching the ground. Do it again 2x. Do it again without using your hands! and again with 10 toes above the water.
Challenge –
Do a handstand with your legs together and toes pointed to the ceiling. Hold it for 2 seconds (or 3), then do a front flip where you land on your feet without otherwise touching the bottom.