Swimming Game – Challenge: Be a submarine


Challenge – Be a Submarine

Core Skill:

Buoyancy Control and Breath Control

This game focuses on helping swimmers improve their buoyancy control and breath-holding skills. It also enhances their ability to maintain a stable position underwater while managing an additional challenge.


This game is suitable for swimmers of all ages who are comfortable submerging underwater. It can be particularly beneficial for intermediate swimmers looking to improve their underwater control and stability.

Recommended levels:

  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Developmental


Swimmers will need a kickboard for this challenge. They should hold the kickboard in front of their chest at arm’s length, keeping their elbows locked or straight. While holding the kickboard at the surface, they will submerge underwater on their back and pretend to be a submarine. They can kick if needed to maintain their position. The challenge is to stay underwater but suspended at arm’s length below the kickboard, which remains at the surface.

BONUS: For an added challenge, place a water-filled cup or bucket on top of the kickboard. The goal is to keep it from falling off for 5 seconds while remaining submerged and holding the board at arm’s length.


  1. Preparation: Ensure each swimmer has a kickboard.

    *Fill a cup or small bucket with water for the bonus challenge.
  2. Starting Position: Swimmers should stand in the shallow end of the pool, holding the kickboard in front of their chest at arm’s length.
  3. Submerge: Swimmers should submerge underwater on their back and extend their arms to keep the kickboard at the surface.

    Swimmers will look like a submarine with a periscope at the surface (the kick board).
  4. Maintain Position: Swimmers should try to stay suspended underwater, using minimal kicking to maintain their position.

    Hold the position underwater for at least 5 seconds for a SUCCESS.
  5. Bonus Challenge: Carefully place the water-filled cup or bucket on top of the kickboard. Swimmers should try to keep it balanced for 5 seconds while remaining submerged.

Difficulties Instructors Might Face:

  1. Buoyancy Issues: Some swimmers may struggle with maintaining buoyancy and might either sink too low or float too high. Instructors can provide guidance on adjusting body position and using gentle kicks to stay balanced.
  2. Breath Control: Holding breath for an extended period can be challenging for some swimmers. Instructors should encourage regular practice and provide tips on breath control techniques.
  3. Kickboard Stability: Keeping the kickboard stable at the surface while submerged can be tricky. Instructors can demonstrate the correct arm positioning and provide feedback on maintaining stability.
  4. Bonus Challenge: Balancing a water-filled cup or bucket adds an extra layer of difficulty. Instructors should ensure swimmers are comfortable with the basic challenge before attempting the bonus.

Feel free to adjust any part of this to better suit your needs! If you have any other details or additional elements you’d like to include, let me know.

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