Swimming Game – Challenge: Macarena Position 11


Macarena Position 11


Streamline then Position 11 across the pool;hile kicking in Position 11 rotate palms up and then down one hand at a time to the beat of the song “Macarena.”

Core Skill

The core skill developed in this game is maintaining Position 11 with hands stretched outwards at the surface or above the shoulders. This exercise enhances hand coordination, body alignment, and rhythm while swimming.


This game is suitable for swimmers of all ages and skill levels. It can be adapted for beginners who are just getting comfortable in the water, as well as more advanced swimmers looking to refine their coordination and rhythm.


In “Macarena Position 11,” swimmers perform the first four steps of the Macarena dance while swimming. The key focus is on keeping their hands stretched outwards at the surface or above the shoulders, rotating their palms up and down to the beat of the song. Swimmers can choose to use fins or swim without them, depending on their comfort and skill level. The challenge can be done over a short distance to the instructor or across the entire pool.


  1. Setup: Play the Macarena song in the background to set the rhythm.
  2. Starting Position: Swimmers start at one end of the pool. Swimmer should do a streamline first, then at the surface begin doing Position 11. To the beat of the song they should start moving their hands.
  3. Hand Movements: Swimmers keep their hands stretched outwards at the surface or above the shoulders. They rotate their palms up one at a time, then rotate them down again, following the beat of the Macarena song.
  4. Swimming: Swimmers move towards the instructor or across the pool while maintaining the hand rotations and Position 11.
  5. Variations: Instructors can add different steps of the Macarena dance, but should avoid movements that place hands on the hips or below the body.

Difficulties Instructors Might Face

  1. Synchronization: Some swimmers may struggle to synchronize their hand movements with the beat of the song, especially younger or less experienced swimmers.
  2. Coordination: Maintaining proper swimming form while keeping hands stretched outwards and performing the hand rotations can be challenging.
  3. Distraction: The fun nature of the game might lead to distractions, making it harder for swimmers to focus on their technique.
  4. Adaptation: Instructors may need to adapt the game for different skill levels, ensuring that all swimmers can participate and benefit from the exercise.

Feel free to adjust or expand on these details to better fit your lesson plans!

Here is the wikihow video on how to do the Macrena Dance. I suggest you follow seconds :07 – :20 only, but feel free to add more variations of the dance based on your swimmer’s mastery of Position 11.

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