Swimming Game – Challenge: Noodle Scull


Noodle Scull

Core Skill

The core skill being developed in this challenge is sculling. Swimmers will learn how to use their hands to push against the water to move. This helps them understand the feeling of water resistance and how their efforts translate into movement.


This game is suitable for Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and developmental swimmers who are comfortable floating on a noodle under their armpits and laying on their back without support.


Participants will need at least one foam noodle each, or one noodle to be reused among participants, letting others wait their turn. This challenge is based on the Swim England “Sculling Train” game, but adapted to be more individual-focused and less group-based.


  1. Swimmers place the noodle under their armpits so that they are laying on it.
  2. Swimmers lean backward, putting their weight on the noodle, with their head and ears in the water.
  3. Without kicking, swimmers use only their hands to move across a series of benches, toward a certain object, or from the wall to the instructor and back without stopping or sitting up.
  4. Hands must remain in the water; if hands lift out of the water or if the swimmer kicks, they fail the challenge.

The goal is to teach the sensation and mechanics of sculling, emphasizing how the hands push against the water to generate movement.


To increase difficulty:

  1. Increase the distance the swimmer must scull.
  2. Add obstacles, such as people to swim around.
  3. Ask swimmers to close their eyes.


For an extra challenge, have swimmers go feet-first while doing quick outward circles with their hands (right hand moves clockwise, left hand counter-clockwise).

Feet first scull video:

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Difficulties Instructors Might Face

  1. Ensuring Proper Form: Some swimmers might struggle with keeping their hands in the water or not kicking. Constant reminders and demonstrations might be needed.
  2. Maintaining Focus: Younger or less experienced swimmers might find it hard to stay focused on the task, especially when asked to close their eyes or navigate obstacles.
  3. Safety Concerns: Ensuring that swimmers do not panic while laying back on the noodle, especially when their ears are submerged.
  4. Equipment Management: If there are limited noodles, managing turn-taking efficiently without causing boredom for those waiting.

This game is not just fun but also a fantastic way for swimmers to build a fundamental skill in a focused yet playful manner. 🏊‍♂️

Swim England’s “Sculling Train” game that this challenge is based on.

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