Swimming Game – Challenge: Streamline Push

Game – Streamline Push

Create partners or groups.

One person floats on their back or belly in streamline.

Other person holds their feet. When they’re ready, the person holding the feet pushes using hands and feet on the wall to “Push” the streamline as far as you can go.

The winner is the “streamline” that gets the farthest without kicking, moving, or breathing.

Swimming Game – Streamline Launch – Swimming Lessons Ideas

SIP 102: Consistent Dedication to the Mundane Swimming Ideas Podast

Consistent dedication to the mundane like streamline Everyone has excellent streamline habit (all the time without thought). That to NOT do a streamline would make the swimmer physically uncomfortable. A feeling that excellence is expected with allowance for failure, improvement, and progress. Swimmers feel watched, celebrated, and encouraged to improve through feedback, attention, and coaching. See "Finding Deliberate Practice," "SIP 052: Swimming is a Habit," and "SIP 067: Deliberate Practice." Your framework and routine should reinforce the key things you want to accomplish with your swimmers. My number one goals: Everyone has excellent streamline habit (all the time without thought). That to NOT do a streamline would make the swimmer physically uncomfortable. A feeling that excellence is expected with allowance for failure, improvement, and progress. Swimmers feel watched, celebrated, and encouraged to improve through feedback, attention, and coaching. Coach behavior on deck: If you see something to fix, you must say sometime. Avoid socializing and standing in one spot; unless resting. If you are expecting excellence, then excellence is expected OF you too. Enforce what you want done; non-enforcement = acceptable behavior. Know when to back off; you can still say something without demining or making someone feel bad. "You didn't streamline. Next time streamline." "You forgot the streamline." They nod and agree. "next time." You and they smile.
  1. SIP 102: Consistent Dedication to the Mundane
  2. SIP 101: Routine for Developmental Swimming
  3. SIP 100: A plan, a formula, a guide
  4. SIP 099: Preparing for Developmental Season
  5. SIP 098: Create Challenges and Games for Swim Lessons

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2 thoughts on “Swimming Game – Challenge: Streamline Push”

  1. Seems fun and helpful! So do they hold their partner in breaststroke position like the photo shows and push off? Or how do they usually hold their partner’s feet?

    • Either like the picture for the most power, or with straight legs. Open to interpretation.

      Also allow the pusher to use the wall with their feet but can’t go past the T mark if doing in lanes.

      What would you do?

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