Swimming Game – Challenge: Superman, Save Me!

Name: Superman, Save Me!

Core Skill

The core skills targeted in this game are streamline, position 1, and position 1 breathing to the side. These skills are essential for developing efficient swimming techniques and improving overall water confidence. The game also encourages fun and engagement, making learning enjoyable for young swimmers.


This game is designed for swimmers at levels 2, 3, and 4, as well as developmental swim teams. These levels typically include swimmers who have basic water safety skills and are ready to refine their swimming techniques.


Items Needed:

  • 5 rings or toys that look similar
  • 1 toy that looks different

Setup: The instructor should throw all the toys into the water in the same area, ideally under the flags in a lane, so they are clumped together.


  1. Swimmers push off the wall in a streamline position.
  2. At the surface, swimmers kick in position 1 (lying on their belly or side with one arm raised above their shoulder and the other arm down by their hips, hands in fists, resembling Superman flying).
  3. Upon reaching the toys, swimmers dive underwater to “save” the one different toy.
  4. This should be done with one breath, or swimmers can take one breath in position 1 by turning their head to the side.

Goal: Teach streamline, position 1, position 1 breathing to the side, and ensure the activity is fun and engaging.

Bonus: Do not tell the swimmer which toy is different. Have them guess which toy needs to be saved, possibly giving some clues.


  1. Preparation: Gather the required toys and ensure the pool area is safe and ready for the activity.
  2. Demonstration: Show the swimmers how to perform the streamline and position 1. Demonstrate the correct breathing technique in position 1.
  3. Execution: Throw the toys into the water and instruct the swimmers to push off the wall in streamline. Guide them as they kick in position 1 and dive to save the different toy.
  4. Feedback: Provide positive reinforcement and constructive feedback to help swimmers improve their technique.

Difficulties Instructors Might Face

  1. Identifying the Different Toy: Some swimmers might struggle to identify the different toy, especially if they are not given any clues. Instructors can provide hints or make the different toy more distinct.
  2. Breathing Technique: Swimmers might find it challenging to maintain position 1 while turning their head to breathe. Instructors should emphasize the importance of keeping the body streamlined and provide additional practice if needed.
  3. Streamline Position: Younger swimmers might have difficulty maintaining a proper streamline position. Instructors can use drills and exercises to reinforce this skill.
  4. Engagement: Keeping all swimmers engaged and motivated can be challenging. Instructors should use enthusiastic language and encouragement to maintain a fun and positive atmosphere.

Feel free to adapt and modify the game based on your swimmers’ needs and skill levels!

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