This series of games comes from Coach Drake and the Nazareth Easton YMCA. If they played these exciting games on Halloween then I think they must have had an exciting practice full of laughing memories and joyful learning.
Keep up the great work Coach Drake and thank you for sharing your ideas and PDF for other like-minded Aquatic Professionals.
*The pictures in the post are from Jeff N and using Bing Chat; I find it funny to plug in the game ideas into the image generator and see what comes up.*

6-12 x25 [Warm-Up: # of 25s changes with age groups]
Sea Serpent:
Swimmers Sea Serpent their way through all 6 lanes. Swim down one length, go under
lane line, down one length, under lane line, etc. The coach on deck may mix-up/assign as many
strokes as they like.

4-7 x25 (amount of 25s depends upon # of swimmers that attends that practice group and on a relay)
Trick or Treat Kick Relay:
Each swimmer swims one lap, yells “trick or treat” past the flags each lap,
gets a kickboard, the relay keeps collecting and stacking boards until all relay members are done.
Each kickboard is a large “piece of candy”, so if you have the time, decorate them as candy by taping
laminated pictures of candy (or put images inside sealed and taped sandwich bags).

4-7 x25 (amount of 25s depends upon # of swimmers that attends that practice group and on a relay)
Cannibal Head Relay:
Swimmers hold scary rubber cannibal heads placed on the end of boogie
boards or kick boards. Swimmers must hold the head upright at the end of the board for the whole 25,
or get a 5 second penalty.

4-7 x25 (amount of 25s depends upon # of swimmers that attends that practice group and on a relay)
Spooky Shirts Relay:
Swimmers are told that all shirts are from the “morgue in Warren Hospital”,
taken from dead people just two hours prior. Swimmers must change shirts at the end of each lap
from swimmer to swimmer; arms must be through the short sleeves.

4-7 x25 (amount of 25s depends upon # of swimmers that attends that practice group and on a relay)
Cave Dive of Death Relay:
Can only breathe in air pockets (hula hoops). If you breathe where there
is no pocket of air. You become the ghost of Davy Jones, must wait 5 seconds to regenerate your life
before continuing. May add or remove # of hula hoops depending upon the age/ability group.

Mutant IM:
Two people do each stroke together. One person is the “Pull”, and one person is the
“Kick”, both must stay connected through the 25. Each swimmer in the relay must go at least once,
but some may go more than once.

4-7 x25 (amount of 25s depends upon # of swimmers that attends that practice group and on a relay)
Start with two people, at the end of each length add another person, each swimmer added
must stay connected to another swimmer to make a large and growing amoeba; all must touch the
wall to finish the race