Swimming Game – Magic Mirror


Magic Mirror

Core Skill

This game can help swimmers practice their breath control, underwater vision, and body awareness.


This game is suitable for swimmers who can submerge their heads comfortably and hold their breath for at least 10 seconds. It can be played with a minimum of two swimmers and a maximum of six swimmers per lane.


This game requires swim mirrors to be placed on the bottom of the pool in the swimmer’s lane. The mirrors should be at least 3 body lengths long, and cover the entire width of the lane. The game consists of the following steps:

  • One swimmer in a group is the “Wicked Witch” and the others are the “Magic”. The wicked witch can choose any adjective they want, such as silly, goofy, pretty, etc.
  • Before they go underwater, the wicked witch says, “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the … of them all?” and fills in the blank with their chosen adjective.
  • Everyone goes underwater and the wicked witch has to make a pose close to the mirror, so they can see everyone behind them.
  • The rest of the group stays close, but gives room to the wicked witch. They mimic the witch but exaggerate the pose and make it silly, goofy, or wrong, but similar.
  • After 10 seconds, everyone comes up and the wicked witch chooses the best or worst mimic, depending on their adjective. For example, if they said “pretty”, they choose the prettiest mimic; if they said “silly”, they choose the silliest mimic.
  • The chosen mimic becomes the new wicked witch and the game repeats until everyone has a turn or the time runs out.


To make this game more fun and engaging, the instructor can:

  • Use a whistle or a signal to indicate when the swimmers should go underwater and come up.
  • Give feedback and encouragement to the swimmers on their poses and mimics.
  • Vary the adjectives and the poses to challenge the swimmers and keep them interested.
  • Use a timer or a stopwatch to keep track of the time and the turns.

Difficulties the instructor may face

Some possible difficulties that the instructor may face while conducting this game are:

  • The swimmers may not be able to see the mirror clearly due to the water quality, the lighting, or their goggles.
  • The swimmers may not be able to hold their breath for long enough or may swallow water while underwater.
  • The swimmers may bump into each other or the mirror while making their poses and mimics.
  • The swimmers may not follow the rules or the instructions of the game.

To overcome these difficulties, the instructor can:

  • Check the water quality, the lighting, and the goggles before starting the game and make adjustments if needed.
  • Remind the swimmers to exhale slowly through their nose or mouth while underwater and to come up if they feel uncomfortable or need to breathe.
  • Ensure that there is enough space and distance between the swimmers and the mirror and that the mirror is securely attached to the pool floor.
  • Explain the rules and the instructions clearly and repeat them if necessary. Use demonstrations and examples to show the swimmers what to do. Monitor the swimmers and correct them if they make mistakes or break the rules.

Looking for swimming mirrors to use in your program?

We bought 6 from Amazon and they’ve been excellent. **NOTE: We taped the corners and the sharp edges with thick duct tape to make sure there were not ways a swimmer could cut themselves.


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