Tips on swimming butterfly; an AI written article in the style of this site

I’ll try to create that. Here is a short article about butterfly swimming using the style of “`

I read through and listened to this article before posting. It’s accurate. I’m impressed and a little terrified.

How to Swim Butterfly: A Beginner’s Guide

Butterfly is one of the most challenging and rewarding strokes to master. It requires strength, coordination, and rhythm. But don’t let that scare you away! With some practice and guidance, you can learn how to swim butterfly and enjoy its benefits. Here are some tips to help you get started with butterfly:

1. Learn the body position. The key to swimming butterfly is to maintain a streamlined body position with your head, hips, and feet aligned. You should keep your head down between your arms, except when you need to breathe. Your hips should rise and fall with each stroke, creating a wave-like motion. Your feet should be together and pointed, kicking up and down in sync with your arms.

2. Learn the arm movement. The arm movement for butterfly is similar to freestyle, but with both arms moving together. You should start with your arms extended in front of you, then pull them down and back in a semicircular motion. Your elbows should stay high and your hands should exit the water near your hips. Then, you should recover your arms over the water by swinging them forward and slightly outward. Your hands should enter the water in front of your shoulders, slightly wider than your head.

3. Learn the breathing technique. The breathing technique for butterfly is different from other strokes because you have to time it with your arm movement and body position. You should breathe every two or three strokes, depending on your preference and endurance. You should lift your head slightly as your arms recover over the water, then turn it forward and down as your hands enter the water. You should exhale through your nose or mouth as you pull your arms back under the water.

4. Learn the kick. The kick for butterfly is called the dolphin kick because it mimics the movement of a dolphin’s tail. You should kick twice for each arm cycle, once as your hands enter the water and once as they exit. Your legs should stay together and straight, with a slight bend at the knees. Your feet should be pointed and flexible, kicking up and down from the hips.

5. Practice with drills. Drills are exercises that help you improve specific aspects of your stroke.

Some common drills for butterfly are:

– Single-arm butterfly: Swim butterfly with one arm at a time, keeping the other arm extended in front of you. This helps you focus on your arm movement and breathing technique.

– Double-arm backstroke: Swim backstroke with both arms moving together like butterfly. This helps you practice your arm recovery and coordination.

– Dolphin kick on your back: Kick on your back with your arms at your sides or above your head. This helps you strengthen your core and legs.

– Dolphin kick on your front: Kick on your front with your arms extended in front of you or by your sides. This helps you practice your body position and rhythm.

Butterfly is a fun and challenging stroke that can improve your fitness and confidence in the water. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can learn how to swim butterfly and enjoy its benefits. “`

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    1. I know! I’m impressed by the ability of the Bing Chat or Copilot to create logical things; but it only goes so far. I’ve found that many of the more specific things are not very good. I’ve started feeding the AI all the details and specifics and letting it organize the text so it is more legible, but all the content and ideas are my own.