Minnows 3/11/2020

Dryland Activities:

Question of the Day: Name a swimming skill.
Correct = Show us that skill, if you can. and do 2 jumps of celebration.
Wrong = Do 5 situps and 5 pushups.

Warmup in water:

100 IM Kick
2 x 25 position 11.

Review 3 things for Streamline before first 25.
1) Lock your thumb.
2) Squeeze your ears (back of head).
3) Look down (with your whole face).
Review 3 things for Position 11 before second 25:
1) Keep your arms straight.
2) Stay at the surface (even when you breathe).
3) Look down (with your whole face).

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8 x 50 on 2:00: CHoice w/ or w/o FINS

Q of the Day Answer:So many to pick from! Choose one!

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