White & Blue 9/4/2020

1 x 100 IM Kick
4 x 100 on 20 seconds rest: IMO K/D x 25
1 x 50 Position 11: tell coach jeff three things for 11 and SL before.

Question of the Day:
What part of the following set is “active rest?”
4 x 50 on 2:00 BR
8 x 25 on :40 Build to Sprint
1 x 200 Free

Correct: Do 3 front flips, 3 back flips, and 2 handstands
Wrong: With your hands and head above water kick in place for :30.

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3 x
4 x 25 on :45: 3-2-1 BR Drill
1 x 200 FREE

6 x 25 on 1:00: SPRINT: 1-3 NOT FREE, 4-6 FREE


Fly Kick on your side from wall to the flags ping ponging off the lane lines at least 3 times.

Flatten yourself like a squished bug on the + mark. BONUS do it completely underwater

Float like a star on your back for :30 without kicking or moving hands.
Use your breath and body position to stay floating.

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