1 x 100 IM KICK
1 x 50: BK Kick
1 x 50 Position 11 w/ FINS
review all 3 things to SL and 11 before going.
Question of the Day:
What can you swim in a 50 FREESTYLE at a swim meet?
Correct: Do a 50 “FREESTYLE”
Wrong: Do a 50 back crawl
2 x {
5 x SL + 3 FREE + FLIP
5 x SL on BK on surface; stay in SL to flags.
6 x 50 on 2:00: ODD: BK Kick, EVEN: FREE K
FREE K w/ board.
2 x 25: FREE
1 x Challenge
Challenge –
3 x lay on bottom with belly button, nose, and 1 big toe touching bottom
Challenge #1:
Float on your back, on the surface, keep both feet touching the wall. Hold it for 5 seconds.
Challenge #2:
Challenge – Streamline Launch
Form partners.
Other person pushes their feet to launch them forward in streamline.
The pushing person can’t go past the flags or the “T” mark. Set a distance that the streamliner needs to travel to pass the challenge, without falling out of streamline or kicking.
Pusher can use the wall to push. This is encouraged.

Challenge #3: