Sharks 10/7/2019


100 IM Kick

100 Br kick on back no knees over the surface

2 x 25 Position 11

Question of the Day: How do you officially know that you were disqualified at a swim meet?
Answer: The official raises their hand and your coach gets a dq slip
Y = 50 choice anything anything, walk swim or whatever
N = 50 BK K

4 x 25 on 1:00 BK K no board.

Split up into two groups:

Group 1:

3 x SL with 2 BR kicks underwater

Streamline underwater with nothing, then while still streamline and still underwater, do 2 breaststroke kicks to torpedo self forward.

Group 2:

3 x SL + 2x(11, Eat, 11, Glide for 2 seconds)

No kicking, no breathing. This is the MOTION of Breaststroke arms.

Streamline underwater, do the arms at the surface.

Get back together into one group

Game 100 Point + Challenge


10 x 50 on 2:00 2 FLY off first SL, FREE entire rest of 50. (can be any set you want. Ideally the same thing for a long time)

1-5 with FINS 6-10 no FINS


Give each lane 100 Points.

If a lane member misses their interval (when they leave on the clock, deduct 5 points.

Earn extra 5 points per round for every challenge (1 per 50) lane creates and executes before 2:00 is up (or whatever appropriate interval is for swimmers with enough time to communicate about challenges).

100 point swim

10 x 50 1st 25 choice, second 25 always free.

focus on streamline and obvious DQ things. Follow up with swimmers on why they are losing points.

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