100 IM Kick
100 Harvest and Cook swim; do a little bit of everything. Bake them together on the last 25.
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day: Do Sweet potatoes float?
Correct = 25 CH with a dive
Wrong = 25 BK start from in water.
4 x 25 on 1:00 FREE
Split up into two groups:
Activity 1:
3 x SL + 3 x Roll like a green bean log with head and feet aiming at the lane lines after the streamline breaks the surface for 5 rolls.

Activity 2:
3 x SL + Brine your turkey; float like a trussed turkey in the water completely underwater after a friend “spices you up” before you start the streamline.

Main Set
Build then eat your feast!
Food | Prep work |
Turkey | Brine the bird. 2 x SL with FLY K on your back past the flags |
Stuffing | Everyone in your group, lane, tangles together and in a huge ball streamlines off the wall together, at the same time to the flags. |
Brussel Sprouts | Toss in the pot with a bunch of oil, dressing, and salt and pepper. Roll in little balls forward, back, side, all over. 5 x. All together. |
Cranberry Sauce | Boil with sugar, water, and oranges. Streamline on the surface with fly kicks (boiling bubbles) and then slow simmer in position 11 (float) for 5 seconds with hips popping (lifting up). |
Sweet Potatoes | Slow bake: 50 BK, cover with marshmallows, 2 jumps. |
Rolls | Bake for 2 x 100 FREE |
Eat your feast!
1 x 200 FREE
1 x 200 BK
2 x 25 BR
2 x 25 FLY
1 x 100 CH